Vendor Negotiation​

The VYAY solution is a cost optimization tool that aims to automate the process of identifying and optimizing expenses for businesses. While it is important for businesses to operate within budget, it is equally important to ensure that every expense adds value to the business. With the help of technology, businesses can track every expense in real time and evaluate its value. The VYAY solution recognizes that while accounting software captures basic financial information, many other invisible factors contribute to a business’s financial operations. These include human decisions, discussions, and negotiations that are not captured by accounting software. By making these invisible parameters visible, the VYAY solution can help businesses optimize their expenses and improve their financial performance. 

One unique feature of the VYAY solution is its ability to offer vendor negotiation opportunities. By identifying vendors that are not providing optimized value, the solution can facilitate negotiations with those vendors to improve their offerings and reduce costs for the business. This not only helps the business save money but also improves vendor relationships and ensures that the business is getting the best possible value for its expenses. Overall, the VYAY solution is a powerful tool for businesses that want to optimize their expenses and improve their financial performance. By automating cost optimization and offering unique vendor negotiation opportunities, the solution can help businesses save money and operate more efficiently.

Vendor Negotiation
Download our Case Study to know the benefit of our solution on vendor negation services
Vendor Negotiation

In the above example, you can see 4 expenses have been looked at through 4 different dimensions to optimize the same cost through our AI and ML capabilities.

How Vyay solution helps you with Vendor negotiation and trigger events to increase our cost optimisation and revenue leakage